
Each month, we hold a festive luncheon. These usually feature entertainment, a delicious meal, and door prizes. Volunteers would perform multiple duties including but not limited to:

  • photographing the event and people attending
  • distributing door prizes
  • set up and clean up


Our festive luncheon is once monthly. However we also have other events that occur throughout the year that we would never refuse help for.


  • Fill out a volunteer application & have an interview
  • Review and sign our Volunteer Policy
  • Complete volunteer training session
    • Please bring a photo ID 

For More Information

If you are interested in assisting us or if you have additional skills that could benefit us please stop by the front desk of our offices at the Mountaineer Mall on Greenbag Road, or email Volunteer Coordinator, Vicki Lewis at vlong@seniormons.org 

We also hold a volunteer meeting once a month on the second Friday every at 10:00 A.M. We welcome you to join us for these and see what our volunteers have planned. Check the date of the next volunteer meeting on the calendar of our On-Premises Activities page under Events & Activities.